(Jane Jojo)
November 28, 2017, 8:30am
Jackfruit seeds cooked with raw mango and coconut mix. This curry has a sour and lightly spicy flavor. One of the traditional Kerala delicacy! A great side dish to go with rice.It is a summertime favourite at my home.Recipe credits to my mom 🙂
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.alittlebitofspice.com/jackfruit-seeds-and-raw-mango-curry-chakkakuru-manga-curry-recipe
Chakkakkuru manga...basically :)
You know, i always felt this curry deserves a more imaginative name:) Like Erisseri, Theeyal, Olan etc.
Jane... do u have a recipe for mampaza kootan... was looking for some .. i tried couple of times last week .. but did not come out as expected...
Jane Jojo i like ur all dishes. i used to try it. It came out well all the time. pls recommand me a spicy prawn curry recepie.......
(Jane Jojo)
July 28, 2014, 12:00am
I haven't tried it yet. Will definitely share once I have one :)
just started thinking about cooking..hope this one is different from daily kerala dishes
My favourite. My mom makes a variation by using tomato instead of mango.